Roasted sweet potatoes make for a delicious and healthy side dish. Here’s a simple recipe to prepare them:


  • 2-3 medium sweet potatoes
  • 2-3 tablespoons olive oil
  • Salt and pepper to taste
  • Optional seasonings (such as paprika, cinnamon, or rosemary) to taste
  • Instructions:
    1. Preheat your oven: Preheat your oven to 425°F (220°C).
    2. Prepare the sweet potatoes: Wash and peel the sweet potatoes, or you can leave the skin on for added texture and nutrition. Cut them into evenly sized cubes or wedges.
    3. Season the sweet potatoes: Place the sweet potato pieces in a large bowl. Drizzle the olive oil over them and add salt and pepper to taste. You can also add any optional seasonings at this point for extra flavor. Toss the sweet potatoes to ensure they are evenly coated with the oil and seasonings.
    4. Arrange on a baking sheet: Line a baking sheet with parchment paper or lightly grease it to prevent sticking. Spread the seasoned sweet potato pieces in a single layer on the baking sheet, making sure they are not too crowded. This allows them to roast evenly and become crispy.
    5. Roast in the oven: Place the baking sheet in the preheated oven and roast for about 25-30 minutes. You may want to turn the sweet potatoes once or twice during this time to ensure even browning.
    6. Check for doneness: The sweet potatoes are ready when they are golden brown and tender on the inside. You can check their doneness by inserting a fork or knife into one piece; it should easily slide in.
    7. Serve: Once they are done, remove the roasted sweet potatoes from the oven and let them cool for a minute or two before serving.

    Roasted sweet potatoes are a versatile side dish that can be served with a variety of meals. They’re sweet, savory, and slightly caramelized, making them a favorite for many people. Enjoy your roasted sweet potatoes with a sprinkle of fresh herbs or a drizzle of honey for extra flavor.

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