Easy Pastry Recipe with Few Ingredients

Easy Pastry Recipe with Few Ingredients

Ingredients :

1.5 cups of water (300 ml)

1 egg

1 teaspoon salt

4 cups flour

To lubricate;

200 g butter or margarine

For the filling;

100 g feta cheese

For the top;

1 egg yolk


Mix the water and eggs in a deep bowl. By adding salt and flour little by little, a soft dough that does not stick to the hand is prepared.

Make 4 equal meringues from the dough, cover them and let them rest for 10 minutes.

The resting glands are opened to a size of 40 cm. After the last sheet of dough is opened, it is spread with softened butter.

Cover the other dough and apply oil again. In this way, 4 sheets of dough are stacked on top of each other. The last sheet of dough is also greased.

It is enlarged by pulling from the edges and put into a square form. The two opposite edges are joined in the middle and oil is applied on them again.

Other opposite edges are also joined in the middle and lubricated. It is folded into 2 again, oil is applied and folded for the last time into a square form.

Cover and rest in the refrigerator for 1 hour. At the end of the time, it is opened as much as it can be opened in a square shape with a rolling pin on a lightly floured counter.

It is first cut in half and then sliced into 7 pieces, resulting in a total of 14 strips. Scratches are made on the ends of each strip.

Feta cheese is placed on the tip that is not scratched, put it and folded it into shape.

The prepared pastries are placed on a tray lined with baking paper and egg yolk is applied on them.

They are baked in a preheated oven at 180 degrees until golden brown.

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