

500 grams of dulce de leche.
500 grams of cream.
4 tablespoons of instant coffee.
2 cups of hot water.
200 grams of chocolate cookies.
150 grams of chocolate bar.


The Chocotorta cake recipe is very simple, since it does not require baking any cake. Well, its base is made with cookies and does not require you to apply too elaborate pastry techniques, despite being considered for more than 40 years as the best dessert in the world and the favorite of lovers of Argentine sweets and chocolate. The steps you must follow are the following:

Step 1
In a bowl, place the cream and dulce de leche. Then, with the help of a mixer, begin to integrate them until you get a light and uniform cream. Reserve in the refrigerator.

Step 2
Prepare a cup of instant coffee or your choice to bathe all the cookies for about 5 seconds. So, they are easier to handle and absorb all the flavor of the coffee. If the children are not going to consume it, you can add a tablespoon of liquor to the coffee.

Step 3
In a square mold, put the cookies one after the other so that they are the base of the cake. Then, with the help of a spoon or pastry bag, add the mixture from step 1 and spread it evenly throughout the cookie base.

Step 4
Place another layer of biscuit and one of dulce de leche or cream. Continue until you have at least 4 layers. At the end you can decorate with the leftover mixture and the chocolate bars.

Step 5
Refrigerate for approximately 10 hours so that all the ingredients are compacted.

Ready! Now you can taste the Chocotorta and surprise your family or friends with this delicious Argentine dessert, which tops the list of the best in the world. Being an ideal dessert to eat as a snack, accompany with coffee, tea or soda.

I await your comments! Enjoy!

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