Cornstarch Alfajores


250 gr. of margarine
3/4 cup of sugar
3 egg yolks
200 gr. of Flour 0000
300 gr. Cornstarch
2 tsp. baking powder
1 lemon
Vanilla essence is optional
w/ grated coconut
400 gr. of Dulce de leche


In a bowl, we are going to place the margarine and the sugar, mixing well until obtaining a smooth cream (to achieve this we must make sure that the margarine is at room temperature.
Then we add the yolks one by one to integrate it, then we add the zest of 1 lemon and begin to beat. We can also incorporate the essence of vanilla if we wish.
Next step, we are pre-heating the oven to 180 º C.
We continue adding the previously sifted flour, along with the cornstarch and baking powder. The idea is to achieve a softer and smoother dough.
Once the flour is incorporated, we begin to join the ingredients until we obtain a somewhat smooth dough (trying not to knead).
After achieving the desired texture, we send the dough to the fridge for about 30 minutes to rest and make it easier to stretch.
After the time has elapsed, we take the dough out of the refrigerator, on a large surface we stretch the dough (5 cm thick) and cut the alfajorcitos into circles of the approximate size, perhaps with a mold that can serve us.
Next we are placing them on a previously floured oven plate.
Finally we take it to the oven for approximately 5/7 minutes, until we observe that they are slightly golden but not excessively.
When the cooking is finished, remove from the oven and let them cool.
We proceed to assemble the cornstarch alfajores, we take each baked lid and spread it with dulce de leche that we place in the center to cover it with the other lid.
Finally, we pass each edge of the alfajores armed by the grated coconut in a generous way. We can also sprinkle with a little powdered sugar.

I await your comments! Enjoy!

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