Are you looking for a unique way to preserve meatloaf and enjoy its savory goodness even when it’s not freshly cooked? Canning meatloaf might just be the answer. In this article, we’ll guide you through the process of canning meatloaf, ensuring that it remains safe to eat and delicious for an extended period. Let’s dive into the details!


Before we get started, let’s gather all the ingredients you’ll need for canning meatloaf. These ingredients are essential for creating a flavorful and safe canned meatloaf:

Ground beef (hamburg) 10 lbs
Garlic cloves 3 (no more, to avoid overwhelming flavor when pressure-canned)
Onion 1/2
Light brown sugar 2-3 tablespoons
Tomato ketchup 1 and 1/4 cups
Saltine crackers 1 plastic package (from a box of saltines)
Parsley 1 tablespoon
Yellow mustard (powder) 1 teaspoon
Pepper 1 teaspoon
Salt 2 teaspoons
Eggs 8

Now that we have our ingredients ready, let’s proceed to the instructions.



Canning meatloaf requires careful preparation and the right steps to ensure its safety and flavor are preserved. Follow these instructions:

  1. Prepare Your Jars and Lids: Begin by preparing your canning jars, lids, and bands following the instructions for canning principles. Keep the lids submerged in hot water to soften the rubber seal.
  2. Combine Ingredients: In a large bowl, combine all the listed ingredients. Make sure to mix them thoroughly to create a well-blended meatloaf mixture.
  3. Pack Tightly: Pack the meatloaf mixture tightly into clean canning jars. You can do this by adding a little at a time and gently stomping it down to eliminate air pockets. Leave about 1 and 1/4 inches of headspace at the top of each jar.
  4. Wipe Rims: To ensure a proper seal, wipe the rims of the jars to remove any residue. Apply the bands to the jars, screwing them on just finger-tight. This allows air to escape while preventing liquid or pieces from getting through.
  5. Start Canning: Place the jars in the pressure canner with cold water to prevent shock. Turn on the heat and close the canner tightly without the weight. After steam escapes for about 10 minutes to create a vacuum, put the weight on the “nipple” to increase pressure.
  6. Maintain Pressure: Let the pressure reach 10 psi before turning down the heat. Maintain this pressure for a minimum of 90 minutes. Ensure that the pressure stays constant throughout this time.
  7. Cool Down Naturally: After canning, turn off the heat and let the canner cool down naturally. Do not remove the weight immediately; let it sit for at least 24 hours before checking the seals.
  8. Check the Seals: Test the seals by removing the bands and lifting the jars by the lids. The lids should not come off; they should be concave, indicating a proper seal.
  9. Enjoy Your Canned Meatloaf: When you’re ready to enjoy your canned meatloaf, you might find that the juice has solidified. To make it easier to slide the meatloaf out of the jar, reheat it slightly in the microwave or hot water.
  10. Storage Tips: Store your canned meatloaf in a dark, cool, and dry room. If a jar doesn’t seal properly and the lid pops up, refrigerate it and consume the contents within two weeks. Once you open a sealed jar and have leftovers, remember to place the lid back on and consume the leftovers within two weeks as well.

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