Grilled Peach Ravioli

Imagine a dish that combines the sweetness of peaches, the buttery flakiness of croissants, and the warmth of cinnamon. Grilled Peach Ravioli is a dessert that will tantalize your taste buds and leave you craving for more. In this article, we’ll take you through the journey of creating this delectable treat step by step.

The Origins of Grilled Peach Ravioli

Grilled Peach Ravioli is a fusion of Italian and American flavors. It takes the concept of traditional ravioli, which is usually savory, and transforms it into a delightful dessert. The idea is simple yet ingenious – wrapping slices of peaches in croissant dough, baking them to golden perfection, and adding a touch of sweetness with cinnamon and brown sugar.

Gathering Ingredients

Before we embark on this culinary adventure, let’s gather the ingredients you’ll need:


Diced Peaches in Syrup (15 oz can) 1 can (15 oz)
Cooled Croissants (8 oz box) 1 8-ounce box
Melted Butter 1/2 cup
Brown Sugar 2 tablespoons
Ground Cinnamon 1 teaspoon

These simple ingredients are the building blocks of our Grilled Peach Ravioli.

Preparing the Ravioli

Step 1: Preheat the Oven

To start, preheat your oven to 350°F. This ensures that your ravioli will bake evenly and become wonderfully golden brown.


Step 2: Unroll the Croissant Dough

Unroll the croissant dough and lay it out. Now comes the fun part – assembling the ravioli.

Step 3: Assembling the Ravioli

Place a slice of peach on the long seam of the croissant dough, then gently roll it up. Each roll should hold a delightful surprise inside.

Step 4: Preparing the Syrup

Mix the melted butter with the reserved peach syrup. This syrup will infuse your ravioli with rich, fruity flavor.


Step 5: Adding Flavor with Cinnamon and Brown Sugar

Combine the ground cinnamon and brown sugar. Sprinkle this mixture generously over your peach-filled croissant rolls. The aroma will be heavenly.

Step 6: Baking to Perfection

Place your prepared ravioli in a buttered gratin dish. Pour the peach syrup-butter mixture over the rolls. Now, it’s time to bake. Pop them in the oven for 45-50 minutes or until they’re lightly browned and irresistible.

Serving and Enjoying

Once your Grilled Peach Ravioli is out of the oven, let them cool slightly. The wait will be worth it. The combination of warm, gooey peaches and flaky croissant dough is pure heaven. You can even add a scoop of vanilla ice cream for an extra treat.

Grilled Peach Ravioli is a dessert that brings together the flavors of summer and comfort. It’s a dessert that’s as fun to make as it is to eat. So, next time you’re craving something sweet and unique, give this recipe a try. Your taste buds will thank you.

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