Mini Cherry Cheese Danishes

If you have a weakness for sweet treats that melt in your mouth, then Mini Cherry Cheese Danishes are the perfect dessert for you. These petite delights offer a heavenly combination of creamy cheese filling and the delightful burst of cherry flavor. In this article, we’ll share a step-by-step guide to create these delectable pastries right in your kitchen. From a table sheet format of ingredients to essential tips, get ready to embark on a delightful baking adventure!

Mini Cherry Cheese Danishes: Ingredients

Before we begin baking, let’s gather all the essential ingredients for making these Mini Cherry Cheese Danishes. Refer to the table sheet format below:

Puff Pastry Sheets 1 package (thawed)
Cream Cheese 8 oz (softened)
Granulated Sugar ½ cup
Vanilla Extract 1 teaspoon
Lemon Juice 1 teaspoon
Egg 1
Cherry Pie Filling 1 cup
Powdered Sugar For dusting

Preparing the Cream Cheese Filling

Softening the Cream Cheese

To create the luscious cream cheese filling, make sure the cream cheese is at room temperature. Leave it out for about 30 minutes before starting the recipe to achieve a smooth and creamy texture.


Mixing the Ingredients

In a mixing bowl, combine the softened cream cheese, granulated sugar, vanilla extract, lemon juice, and the egg. Beat the mixture until it’s smooth and well-incorporated, creating a rich and creamy filling for the Mini Cherry Cheese Danishes.


Assembling the Mini Danishes

Preparing the Puff Pastry

Unroll the thawed puff pastry sheet on a floured surface and cut it into equal-sized squares. Typically, one puff pastry sheet can yield 9 to 12 mini danishes, depending on the desired size.

Adding the Filling

Place a dollop of the cream cheese filling in the center of each puff pastry square. Create a well in the center to hold the cherry pie filling later.

Adding the Cherry Topping

Spoon a generous amount of cherry pie filling into the well created in the cream cheese filling. The combination of sweet cherries and creamy cheese is simply divine.

Folding the Pastry

Gently fold the corners of the puff pastry square over the filling, slightly overlapping each other to create a neat and charming pastry pocket.

Baking the Mini Cherry Cheese Danishes

Preparing the Egg Wash

In a small bowl, whisk an egg to create an egg wash. This will give the Mini Cherry Cheese Danishes a beautiful golden-brown color when baked.

Brushing the Egg Wash

Using a pastry brush, lightly brush the egg wash over the top of each pastry. This will give the danishes a shiny and appetizing appearance.

Baking the Danishes

Place the prepared pastries on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper and bake in a preheated oven at 375°F (190°C) for 15 to 18 minutes or until the pastries are puffed and golden.

Serving and Enjoying

Dusting with Powdered Sugar

Once the Mini Cherry Cheese Danishes are out of the oven and cooled slightly, dust them with powdered sugar for an elegant finishing touch.

Serving Suggestions

Serve these delightful treats as a dessert after a special dinner, as part of a brunch spread, or whenever your sweet tooth craves something heavenly.

FAQs about Mini Cherry Cheese Danishes

Can I use homemade cherry pie filling?

Absolutely! If you have a homemade cherry pie filling, you can use it instead of store-bought. It will add a personalized touch to the danishes.

Can I freeze the unbaked danishes?

Yes, you can freeze the assembled but unbaked Mini Cherry Cheese Danishes. Place them on a baking sheet and freeze until firm, then transfer to an airtight container or freezer bag. When ready to bake, simply place them in the oven as instructed.

Can I use other fruit fillings?

Of course! While cherries are classic and delicious, you can experiment with other fruit fillings like blueberry, raspberry, or apple for a variety of flavors.

Can I make a glaze for the danishes?

If you prefer a glazed finish, you can mix powdered sugar with a splash of milk or lemon juice and drizzle it over the baked danishes.

How long do the danishes stay fresh?

The danishes are best when eaten fresh, but they can be stored in an airtight container at room temperature for up to 2 days.

Can I add nuts to the cream cheese filling?

Certainly! Chopped nuts like almonds or pecans can add a delightful crunch to the cream cheese filling.

Congratulations! You’ve just mastered the art of making Mini Cherry Cheese Danishes—a delightful dessert that will impress anyone lucky enough to taste them. These charming pastries are the perfect blend of creamy cheese and fruity goodness, making them an irresistible treat for any occasion. So, gather your ingredients, preheat the oven, and savor the joy of baking these sweet and creamy delights!

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