Never throw away apple peels: Soak them in a glass with vinegar

If you’re accustomed to discarding apple peels, you’re missing out on a treasure trove of benefits. This article explores the valuable properties of apple peels and unveils a brilliant way to recycle them by soaking them in a jar with vinegar. Discover the health benefits and practical uses of apple peels that go beyond conventional consumption.


The Incredible Remedy: Making Apple Cider Vinegar

Wondering how to make the most of accumulated apple peels? The answer lies in a simple yet incredible remedy – homemade apple cider vinegar. All you need is a sterilized jar, a tablespoon of honey per liter of water, water, and of course, apple peels or other leftovers.



  1. Prepare the Jar: Fill the jar more than halfway with apple peels.
  2. Create the Mixture: Mix lukewarm water with honey and pour it over the peels until covered.
  3. Seal the Jar: Close the jar with a cloth and secure it with a rubber band.
  4. Patience is Key: Store the jar in a warm place for about four weeks at 20 degrees Celsius.
  5. Weekly Check: Monitor the vinegar weekly, removing any white patina with a spoon.
  6. Ready to Consume: After four weeks, your homemade apple cider vinegar is ready for consumption. Bottle it in glass containers and store it in the fridge for a tasty seasoning.

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