The 1 thing each US state is worst at

No two states are the same, and even crossing the border to the next one can hit you with a bit of culture shock. That’s what makes the US so interesting.

It is so diverse that one state’s strength could be the weakest link of another. So come and see what each state is really bad at.

Alabama: Most child smokers

Alabama raised its smoking age to 19, but this measure on seemingly improving health is about as helpful as fast food restaurants listing how many calories are in their huge burgers.

Alaska: Highest chlamydia rate

So much oil money went around and that led to pretty bad choices.

But it is the state with the lowest population density, and the coldest average temperature, so lonely Alaskans will really want another warm body.


Arizona: Worst at going to the dentist

About 60% of people in Arizona admitted to not getting regular dental exams. Makes sense if you’re retired and have dentures, but really… gross.

Arkansas: Fewest advanced degrees per capita

Only 6.1% of Arkansas’ residents have an advanced degree or higher.

So professors looking for a job should think long and hard before moving here.

California: Most polluted cities

People everywhere know the air in Los Angeles feels similar to the one in a Mad Max movie.

But hit up Bakersfield, Modesto, Sacramento, and Fresno. Not much difference there.

As if people needed another reason to not visit Fresno.

Colorado: Greatest cocaine use


If you find yourself in Colorado attending somebody’s party and people are talking about fresh-cut powder, don’t assume the discussion is anything about the skiing conditions.

Connecticut: Most unequal incomes



Connecticut has the highest rate of school enrollment and the highest per capita income in the nation, but the top 1% in the state earn 41 times what everyone else makes.

The rich just get richer, and everybody else just settles for New Haven pizza.

Delaware: Least regular exercise

A Gallup poll says less than half of people from Delaware exercise regularly, and that’s for 30 minutes a day, three times a week.

But it only takes about an hour to drive from the north of Delaware to the south , so surely very few of them know how long it takes to walk that distance.


Florida: Most recreational boat accidents

Florida boasts of the highest number with regards to boat accidents and fatalities.

Studies do show that Floridians operate their boats at least as well as highly caffeinated primates so there’s that.

Georgia: Least integrity

Politicians in Georgia are the least ethical, with about 658 state workers accepting gratuities during a two-year period.

State legislators were not available for a word without an offer of sporting event tickets or honey baked hams.

Hawaii: Highest homelessness rate


Homelessness has actually been decreasing in the United States in recent years so that’s great, but the bad news is that Hawaii has about five times more homeless people than Mississippi, Indiana, and Kansas.

They do get to sleep on a beautiful beach though.

Idaho: Worst drivers


Fortunately, they don’t really cause the most road accidents, since few people live there, or even have the need to drive through the state on their way someplace else.

The next-worst place were the District of Columbia and New York, but that’s not surprising given their reputations.

Idaho’s drivers are just really bad behind the wheel.

Illinois: Most rail accidents


Yes, people in Illinois get hurt by things other than guns and deep-dish pizza.

All those rail yards at the heart of America ends up bringing a lot of derailments, so they just barely edged out Texas in terms of total train accidents.


Indiana: Most meth incidents

Now there’s a huge upset. Everyone thought it would be Florida.

Hope you didn’t put any money there. Literally.

Iowa: Highest racial disparity in marijuana arrests



Both black and white Iowans use marijuana, and at the same rate too, but black Iowans are eight times more likely to be arrested for possession.

That’s a lot more than you think.

Kansas: Ugliest scenery



Have you seen The Wizard of Oz and wondered why it starts in black and white?

Turns out that Kansas does look like that. In the eyes of most Americans at least.

Kentucky: Worst to be an animal

The Kentucky Wildcats have won eight NCAA championships, but being an actual wild cat is no fun in the state.

They are on an unprecedented seven-year run being the worst state for animal protection.

Louisiana: Highest murder rate

Louisiana has the highest murder rate and the highest rate of death by firearm. Think twice about partying around after a Mardi Gras night out with your friends.

You don’t want to end up on one of those unsolved mysteries TV shows.


Maine: Fewest heliports

You probably have to drive over to nearby New Hampshire just to land that helicopter.

Tough, but at least you have the money for a helicopter.


Maryland: Worst at incarcerating the elderly

So apparently, in Maryland, the elderly can literally get away with murder. Well, somewhat.

Just 7.5% of the state’s inmates are over the age of 50, and that’s about half the rate nationwide.

Massachusetts: Worst at happy hour



Massachusetts became the first state to ban happy hour way back in 1984.

So for 30 years, the state’s residents have complained and chatted nonstop about work over FULL-PRICED drinks. Ouch.

Michigan: Worst roads


The movie 8 Mile put Detroit back on the Hollywood map, but every other mile in the state is just horrible.

Compared to others, Michigan spends the least per capita on its roads and bridges, at just $174 per person annually.

Get that SUV.

Minnesota: Most tornadoes



In 2010 alone, Minnesota had 145 tornadoes, statewide. That’s a lot.

Better check the weather before you visit. And ask if the hotel is tough enough to withstand one.

Mississippi: Shortest life expectancy

Locals of Mississippi live for around 75 years, on average.

There are 11 states in the Union where residents are expected to reach at least 80 years old. That’s five years more than Mississippians get.

And those are five extra years away from Mississippi.

Missouri: Worst puppy mills

There’s nothing pleasant about this, and even if they had the best ones, it would still be a horrible practice.

Report if you see one, and remember to adopt if you can.




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