Heavenly Yoghurt Cake with Cherry Jam

Heavenly Yoghurt Cake with Cherry Jam

Prepare to be delighted by this famous yoghurt cake that’s loved around the world! It’s a delicious combination of cherry jam, moist cake, and creamy yoghurt.

For the Cherry Jam:


500g cherries (frozen)

70g corn starch

150g sugar

150ml water

For the Cake Dough:


3 egg yolks

A pinch of salt

80g powdered sugar

80g melted butter

1 teaspoon vanilla

200g flour

1 teaspoon baking powder

For the Cream:


500g Greek yogurt

50g corn starch

1 teaspoon vanilla

For the Meringue:


3 egg whites

A pinch of salt

130g sugar


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